Thursday, December 10, 2009

Luxury and elegant Dining room

Luxury and elegant  Dining room

Luxury and Elegant Dining room

Luxury and Elegant Dining room

    Style in the dining room can speak both in terms of generally accepted definitions of established history of design styles such as Empire, Art Nouveau and modern, and as a style consistent with the preferences of the hosts.
Rococo Dining room

Rococo Dining room

      If they are practical people, do not expect to see many luxurious furniture with decorative rococo curves, collecting dust. Straightforward, practical people furnish their homes with light, easily movable furniture with clean lines corresponding to the taste of time. Simple, elegant, comfortable furniture and representative, large-scale photographs in frames on the walls built modern look of their dining.

decorate dining room ideas

Romantic Dining Room

     If the housewife likes the novels of Jane Austen, she will meet you at fair romantic atmosphere. Not missing furniture with rounded shapes, patterns of flowers and accessories - an expression of sentiment, crystal chandeliers and paintings invoke sadness in times gone by, many vases with flowers and you live curtains or even shutters on the windows, which reduce the strong room light in the room. Warm white or neutral wall colors also contribute to the creation of a typical romantic atmosphere. Candles on the table and cabinets, muted lighting, small Lampions evening also contribute to this effect.

Mediterranean  Dining Room

    If the owners returned from holiday in the Mediterranean with pleasant memories, it probably throughout their house and of course the table will feel the Mediterranean breeze. Should not you surprised by the presence of woven straw chairs, tables Solid wood, painted in blue or green, typical of Mediterranean atmosphere.

 Elegant Dining room

 Elegant Dining room

     The creation of such an environment is facilitated by new techniques of paint application in earthy colors. Exotic vegetation, patterns of reasoning with olive branches for curtains and tablecloths, even dishes with olive branches are also part of this dining room accessories. Walls instead of pictures can be placed colored Italian or Spanish tiles in wooden frames. Dining room cabinet is open and display beautiful dishes.

Luxury and Modern Dining room

Luxury and Modern Dining room
    Owners with respect to tradition emphasized love classic furniture with table and chairs in the Louis-Philippe style or model of classic English interiors. Such a luxurious dining room looks and talks about the seriousness of the hosts. Dark colored wallpaper on the walls, original paintings in oil and crystal chandeliers complement such interiors.

 Modern and Luxury Dining room
Modern and Luxury Dining room

    People who like to wear extravagant and elegant at the same time, appreciate the original idea of the designer and easily perceive the unusual idea, as it artfully combined with other forms of art. Dining, built on advanced general rule, only people succeed with respect to art, people who do not like traditional print on respect for the inventory items inherent in the dining room. For such an environment is characterized with original furniture, swanky extravagant shape and bright color, designed by famous designers. As decoration of dining can be expected to value antiques placed in close proximity to the last cry of modern design.

 Dining room

Dining room

    Active people with enhanced vitality feel best in life, colorful interiors, with no hint of restraint and monotony. They arranged for feeding corner of the imagination without restrictions to form variegated with bright colors. Such as the dining area is the opium of perception. Tone mood is lifted. Colorful atmosphere can accommodate old chairs and tables painted in fresh vibrant colors.