Up back bedroom does not have to spend energy. Re-arrange bedroom can be either simple, not exhausting, and does not drain bag.
Make room to be more interesting can be done simply. No need to dredge the room elements such as ceiling, wall, or floor. The most simple, simply re-arrange the furniture, colors to give a different, and place one or two elements that make a room more comfortable. All that can be done at any time. Can spare time in working days, or during the weekend, where we usually have more time more space.
Dig new ideas
In re-arrange a room to sleep, important issues that need to do is explore the idea of new regulation. This idea can be found anywhere: in the literature books, magazines, internet, or from a friend. Which is also not less important is this idea should be in accordance with our needs and personality. Avoid applying ideas that do not match and not make a room more comfortable.
Change style and colors
To get a new look in the bedroom a short time, can be done in ways easily. For example, change the color style beddings. If used more often use the plain view beddings, then for the next color can be selected colors figured others. Where the right choice is up to return to the personality each of us.
Change the position of furniture
In addition to talking a matter of style and color, change the atmosphere in the bedroom can also be done with re-arrange the position of furniture. In the case of furniture up, most do not see the size and design of furniture. A cupboard have an empty space to swing in before the door can be opened so that the maximum. A bed vacant in the area require both sides to be able to function optimally. Tables should be placed in television before bed so that television can be enjoyed while back.
Blueprint image space
In managing bedrooms, condition of room is very influential. Therefore, the solution penataan a room with other rooms can be so different. To facilitate re-regulation in the furniture, try to sketch the image space. Specify the position of doors and windows, or other elements that are not or difficult to move. Thereafter, confab confab first position on all funitur a sketch image.
Image sketch, complete with room sizes and all furniture. Thus, when it decided to replace the position of furniture, then slide the effort will not replace the destroyed. By doing so, the back up can be more quickly completed and we can immediately enjoy the results.